March Newsletter

Latest News

“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies.” –Hudson Taylor

As you know, we encountered an obstacle with Tanzania Customs last November and could not deliver the “Christmas in a Backpack” for the Shalom children.

GOOD NEWS! On March 19th, Joel will hand-deliver 171 “Christmas in a Backpack” to the kids at Shalom Centre. They were so disappointed in November.

We have taken additional steps to meet the Government requirements to clear Customs. Please pray for favor and success as we make this journey to bless these children.

We want to see these sad faces turn into smiles and you can help us make this happen.

The total budget for this trip is $5,643.00. This includes airfare, extra baggage fees, ground transportation, and hotel.

We know God’s blessings will follow as you are prompted to contribute towards this need.

Seventeen years ago, when African Moons began this grand adventure of faith, God has always provided. So here we are, once again, excited to see how God provides.

The Shalom Staff has high expectations and we know the children will be excited.

Whatever you can do will be deeply appreciated.

Tanzania for Jesus!
Joel & Sally

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