The students of Northern Bible College come from various towns and villages throughout Tanzania. They come with a desire to learn and prepare for the ministry God has placed in their hearts. They are being challenged and instructed so they can be ready for the next phase of their ministries. Some will return to their home church and serve under a Lead Pastor. Others will serve as Evangelists, Teachers, Worship Leaders or Church Planters. The path will not be an easy one, but God will be lifted up and souls will be saved as they venture out to the Harvest Fields.
For me to walk on the campus and greet these students is a humbling experience. They look at me and express their appreciation for what we are doing to bless them. I remind them that this is God’s work and God’s people who are building this dorm. To look into their eyes and see their love and commitment to God’s calling encourages us to press on and see complete victory; to see this dorm filled with students who will preach the Good News and very likely see the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!

The students will soon be entering their August break and return the first week of September. Meanwhile, construction is ongoing. It is thrilling to all of us to see the walls taking shape for the third floor. YOU ARE WITNESSING A MIRACLE! Only God could make this vision a reality. We are so grateful to you for standing with us and seeing this miracle taking place.

When you look at this young man, pray for him and his fellow students. Pray for God’s anointing to rest on them and that they will be strengthened in the Holy Spirit for the tasks that lay before them. The coming of our Lord is near; we are called to ministry in various forms. Our task is to help prepare these students for these last days. Together we will see God’s work, this dorm completed and filled with His servants.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and giving. We will soon be sharing the budgets for the finishing works and furniture needs. Please be praying for these next steps. God bless you!
Tanzania for Jesus!
Joel & Sally