February Newsletter

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Seventeen years ago we began African Moons with the theme “Opportunity Meeting the Need.” With faith as tiny as a “Grain of a Mustard Seed”, God took our willingness and together we stand amazed at what God has done for our beloved Tanzania.

As we prayed for direction this year, God answered with another challenge. In 2025 we will continue with another opportunity to trust God: “Going without Knowing.”

You may recall meeting Yuster Njau and her husband, Simon in prior newsletters. They have a wonderful organization helping children with special needs called, “Safe Home for Children with Disabilities.” Here is an update from our dear friends.

“The wheelchairs you donated are very useful for the kids. This is Michael who is suffering from autism and physical impairment. He can’t walk. Two months ago he was just staying inside the house sleeping. We provided the wheelchair for him and helped him with physical therapy exercises. A wheelchair helps him to go out and get fresh air and interact with people.”

Taking wheelchairs was important, but it was a significant challenge. We are excited to announce we found a local Arusha based company that makes wheelchairs, “Kyaro Assistive Tech”. They take great care to assess the child’s needs and create a customized wheelchair considering the terrain and other factors. Pictured here is one being made. The average cost for these is $200.00. This is the same cost to transport a wheelchair from the States to Arusha, but these will be designed for the children who need them. This year, we have set the goal of purchasing ten wheelchairs. Two hundred dollars ($200.00) will buy one wheelchair. I would like to order ten wheelchairs when I go to Tanzania in July. When you give, please designate your gift for a wheelchairs.

Elijah Mwambela graduated from Northern Bible College in November 2016. He planted a church in Maji ya Chai, “Water like Tea”. When visiting him in 2024, he shared that they needed just $2700.00 to pay off the note for the land. We immediately felt that God would have us help him purchase this land for their church building. We were able to pay the remaining amount because of partners like you!

Now this latest report from Pastor Elijah:
ELIJAH MWAMBELA, PASTOR, TAG Antioch Missionary Center “Praise be the Name of Jesus. We have collected one lorry of sand. We pray to God to collect material, at least to reach a certain level of building.” This is how it is done. One step of faith at a time. They will begin with the foundation and start the walls as funds come in.

In November, while Customs held the backpacks, we were still able to meet the practical need of providing school shoes for 107 students ranging from Primary School through College! Our long-time partner, Shalom Centre, sends their gratitude.

“Thank you very much Joel, your support changes lives and brings back smiles in these beautiful faces.” Program Manager, Consalva Mguluka

We continue to wait for the clearance to take the backpacks to the children of Shalom. Moving forward, backpacks will include clothes, toys and school supplies. We will continue to provide shampoo, soap, deodorant and other toiletries, but we will buy them locally . We have already met a shop owner in Arusha and we hope this partnership will be mutually beneficial.

Please pray for favor with Customs and that we can gift these backpacks in March. We ask for your financial gifts to pay for airfare, lodging and the airline charges for the additional baggage.

It’s exciting that God continues to direct and give us assignments as we obey Him! None of this happens without your prayers and support. We thank God for your partnership!

Tanzania for Jesus!
Joel & Sally

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