John 15:16 says, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last – and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”
In this verse, Jesus is telling his followers that he has chosen them and given them a specific role to play. The Greek word “etheka” is used to describe the term “appointed”, which means to set, place, or ordain. This appointment is to bear fruit, which suggests a life of productivity
and purpose in the Kingdom of God.
Oswald Chambers wrote on January 2 “Will You Go Out Without Knowing”?
“You do not know what you are going to do; the only thing you know is that God knows what He is doing.”
“God does not tell you what He is going to do; He reveals to you Who He is. Do you believe in a miracle-working God, and will you go out in surrender to Him until you are not surprised an atom at anything He does?”
That is definitely how Sally and I felt in 2008 when God planted African Moons in our hearts. But God gave us direction (housing for the students), confirmation and provision. Though the direction came without having the provision. We knew what He put in our hearts but we did not know how. Funds began to come in; then God brought William Geter Jr. as Project Manager.
What a God-send! He took the reins and managed every aspect of the first dorm and got us started on the second dorm. Then he asked his son, Trey, to be his feet on the ground and be our project manager for the second dorm.

Now we can look back over 2024 and be amazed at what God has done through YOU and African Moons!

Now we enter 2025 full of hope and adventure, “Going Without Knowing”.
Here’s a list of our projects as of today for 2025:
- Government Schools – $5,000 Annual Trip to provide Five Tanzanian Special Needs Departments with Educational Supplies, Books and Games.
- Safe Home for Children with Disabilities – $3600.00 annually – $300.00 monthly support; This annual trip also focuses on Special Needs Children in the community who are not able to attend school. We take educational games, wheelchairs and other equipment for handicapped children.
- Shalom Centre Orphanage Food Budget – $12,000.00 annually. This $3000 is donated quarterly, this provides food staples, such as rice, beans, flour, sugar, cooking oil, etc. Shalom has a garden and a Tilapia Fishpond.
- “Christmas in a Backpack” $25,000.00 Budget
- Annual Scholarships – $35,000.00, Shalom receives $20,000.00 to fund scholarships for sixty-five students from elementary school to University level.
- Northern Bible College (aka Arusha Bible College) receives $10,000.00 to scholarship twenty-two students. Plus in November attendance at the Graduation Ceremonies
African Moons is built on the foundation of FAITH. “Going without Knowing” is the word we have received for 2025. The adventure of faith continues. All of us have a role to fulfill. Opportunities are before us. Your monthly support and special gifts will meet the needs.
Let us all “Go without Knowing” in 2025!
Tanzania for Jesus!
Joel & Sally