As you know I just returned from Arusha on Father’s Day. It is always incredible to walk onto the campus of Northern Bible College and see the ongoing construction. The 3rd floor is being constructed right now.

I was blessed to be visited by National Director of Education for the Tanzania Assemblies of God, Jonas Mkoba. As we stood on the 3rd floor he expressed the following message of gratitude to you!
“First of all, I just want to extend my sincerest appreciation to my brother Joel and his wife Sally for accepting the vision from God and being obedient to what God directed them to do at arusha bible college, now known as northern bible college.

And what is happening here is so important I felt like leaving everything in Dodoma, it’s about 600 km from here. But I decided to go, almost five hours to come and meet with my friends; so that I can extend on behalf of the tag our sincere appreciation for what God is doing here.
I said earlier you are like angels to us. Cause God is using people, God is using people and when he is planning to accomplish his job he’s finding, he’s looking for somebody who is ready and willing to obey what God says and take whatever God has said in action. And I count Joel and Sally as the angels to the tanzanian assemblies of God and especially the education department which i’m leading as the national director.
And i’m here to say thank you to brother Joel and Sally, but not only that, I know he does not do it at his own, but there are people who God is using to make this happen. So I am here to extend our sincere appreciation to you all, whoever is hearing this, that we are so appreciative, our hearts are full of joy for what you are doing here. You are a vessel of God for accomplishing what God intended to accomplish at this bible college.
And what you are doing here, will not benefit a few people. This is a center that is saving thousands of people. And for example, within a period of ten years – from today up to 2033, we are expecting this place here to be a center for missions. And out of here more than 7000 churches are going to be planted. Out of here more than 7000 pastors are going to be trained. Out of here we are expecting to harvest more than 1 million 275 thousand members within this short period. So you may think it is a small job but I want to tell you that you are accomplishing tremendously in the kingdom of God. So I want to extend our sincere appreciation for what you are doing. This is a good job, nice job.”
JONAS MKOBA, National Director of Education – TAG
Once this third floor is finished in about two months, then work can start on the finishing works inside and out. That phase should take about three months. THAT MEANS IN FIVE MONTHS FURNITURE WILL BE NEEDED!
As Jonas said, “I know he does not do it at his own, but there are people…” You are those people! Without you hearing God’s voice, the Phase II Dorm would be just a dream. But you are making it a reality! PRAISE GOD!
Tanzania for Jesus!
Joel & Sally