“Look among the nations and see. Wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if you were told.”
The Book of Habakkuk, Chapter 1
News Headlines hit this week with reports of the winds of Spiritual awakening traversing our world.
“The Dove has landed at Asbury University: Kentucky university’s church service turns into days-long prayer revival.”
Keith Guinta February 16, 2023
At the time of this writing, The TikTok hashtag #Ashbury Revivial has over 25 million views.

“The setup is simple. No projector screens or high-tech integrations, just wooden sanctuary chairs filled with people, and an open altar call with an invitation to prayer that still hasn’t been ended.” THE NBC NEWS
“Asbury is just the tip of the iceberg in religious revivals and growth happening all over the globe. For example, in sub-Saharan Africa, Christianity is growing faster than their population growth suggesting massive conversions, oh and bye-the-way, sub-Saharan population growth is currently the fastest growing in the world.” Steve Turley
Steve Turley (Ph.D., Durham University) is an internationally recognized scholar and speaker. Steve blogs on the church, society, culture, education, and the arts at TurleyTalks.com.
Recently at Northern Bible College, Dr. Jonas Mkoba, Director of Education for the Tanzanian Assemblies of God, sent this personal message to you.

“I am here to say “Thank You” to Brother Joel and Sally, but not only that, I know that Joel & Sally do not do everything at the college on their own, but that there are people who God is using to make this happen. So I am here to extend our sincere appreciation to you all, whoever is hearing this, that we are so appreciative, our hearts are full of joy for what you are doing here. You are vessels of God for accomplishing what God intended to accomplish at this Bible College. What you are doing here will not just benefit a few people. This is a center that is saving thousands of people. For example, within a period of ten years up to 2033, we are projecting this place here to be a center for missions. Out of this place more than 10,000 churches are going to be planted. Out of here more than 7,000 pastors and Christian workers will be trained. From this place we expect to harvest more than 1,275,000 new converts. You may think that what you are doing is a small thing, but I want to tell you that you are accomplishing a tremendous work for the Kingdom of God.”
Together, we are experiencing the honor of God as He uses African Moons and you – our partners – in Tanzania. To think that a small group of people were gathered by the Hand of God just thirteen years ago to accomplish things that only God could do. Just as Jesus used twelve unqualified young men to establish His Kingdom, we are being used to continue His plan in Tanzania.
We are looking forward to dedicating Paul Bruton Dormitory. It will provide 216 new students with housing and basic facilities. We need less than $100,000 to complete the total finishing and furnishings of this dorm. We are so close to the finish line that we can almost taste and feel the joy that is around the corner.
Tanzania for Jesus!
Joel & Sally