2023 was an incredible year for African Moons! The Paul Bruton Dormitory was going through the last stages of construction. The trips during the year were filled with anticipation as the workers labored from one phase to the next. I was constantly amazed seeing their progress.

While in Arusha, it was always a blessing to be in church with Mama Linda Kimaro at Calvary Temple. She has known Sally since her early teen years. Her husband, Wilson Kimaro, was one of the first converts under the Bruton missionary years. He later became Senior Pastor of Calvary Temple until his home going. Their son Philip David Kimaro continues pastoring this great church.
I also was able to visit the church of Pastor Lawrence Kamete on the slopes of Mount Meru, New Sinai Christian Center. African Moons provided scholarships for his education from Northern Bible College to Africa’s Continental Theological Seminary where he received his Masters in Divinity in November last year.

From Shalom Centre Orphanage, Golden Mgonzo, Founder of Shalom Orphanage just sent this message:
“I am truly grateful for the continued support you have provided to Tanzanian children through Shalom. Your generosity and support have played a crucial role for operation of our activities and sustainability of Shalom so far. We couldn’t have achieved anything without your unwavering love, prayers, generosity, assistance, support and partnership. God bless you richly.”

The African Moons Golf Tournament was another great success. The funds raised kicked off the annual “Christmas in a Backpack” project for the children of Shalom Centre Orphanage. Thanks to every volunteer and golfer for participating!
Children with Disabilities began in 2023, the Director is Yuster Njau. We met Yuster in 2011 when she was principal of Ngaranaro Primary School. She is now the overseer of five government schools. Her heart has always included the Special Needs children. This last year she and her husband Simon started “Safehome for Children with Disabilities”. They are renting a house and take in children from their neighborhood, providing care and education. They visit other children who are not able to leave their homes for care and schooling. They are also educating the parents in ways that benefit their children. Be on the look out for news of this developing opportunity and how we will partner with the “Safehome for Children with Disabilities’.

The dedication of Paul Bruton Dormitory was a God moment. Men and women are being prepared for ministry and now the college is ready for greater expansion. African Moons is so grateful to the William Geter Family for all their knowledge and experience as they managed this major project.

The dorm furniture is on its way! On February 6th I will be traveling to Arusha. I will be there for three weeks. The first task will be hiring a crew to assemble the furniture and put it in place. I will purchase the bedding and assure that each task is completed. Thank you for your prayers as this last phase is underway.
2023 was a tremendous year for African Moons. God was faithful through every challenge. Sally and I know that without God’s guidance, provision and people these accomplishments would have remained dreams. But we can all look back and see the reality of God’s promises not just in a dorm but in students proclaiming the Good News and children blessed with meals, education and knowing God’s love.
Tanzania for Jesus!
Joel & Sally