“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
Proverbs 16:9 NKJ
The cargo ship with the furniture for the dormitory was supposed to be unloaded on February 2nd. The day before I was to leave for Arusha, the shipping agent called to say the ship would not be unloaded until February 27th. I’m now scheduled to fly to Arusha in early March.
Prior to this delay, the government advised that we owed more than one hundred percent duty on the furniture. This news knocked the breath out of us. Though the Tanzanian Assemblies of God planned to clear the furniture from Customs and transport the furniture to Arusha, we knew they did not have that kind of money on hand. But our God knew all about this and miraculously provided a total of $35,000.00 to cover the need. Praise the Lord!

As you may recall, African Moons committed to Shalom Centre Orphanage that we would do all we could to meet its quarterly food budget of $3000 and we have done that. The second quarter of 2024 will be here soon, so please be in prayer for this need.

Sally had knee replacement surgery on February 2. We now see God’s perfect schedule. I am able to be here for Sally and along with our daughter, Michelle, take care of Sally. She is recovering well and making excellent progress! Thank you for the meals and your prayers!
We also have a new opportunity!
You may recall that we first met Mrs. Njau thirteen years ago as she was our contact for the Tanzanian Government primary schools and their special needs departments. Her heart has always been filled with love for the children with special needs.
While she has continued in her leadership role in the government schools, she and her husband took a major step.
Two years ago, with their own funds, Yuster Njau and her husband Simon started a non-profit called ”Safe Home for Children with Disabilities Inclusive”.
They rented a house, decorated it and started reaching out to families with special needs children. Today they have four staff members who take care of five children in this home. The staff also conduct home visits for twenty-five others. The children’s needs vary; some are visually or hearing impaired, have cerebral palsy or are autistic.
African Moons committed to donating $300 a month to help cover rent for the children’s home and some of the operating costs. Your gifts to African Moons will help us meet this monthly commitment to these precious children.

Your faithful prayers and generosity fuel our efforts to meet the needs God puts before us. He gives us opportunities and your obedience and unwavering support bring countless blessings to the people of Tanzania. We fervently pray for the Lord to bless each of you in every area of your lives!
Tanzania for Jesus!
Joel & Sally