“I was overwhelmed as I looked into the crowd of faces that joined the celebration of the Paul Bruton Dormitory. The same Holy Ghost that ignited the lives of a few men in 1958 to boldly preach the Gospel has turned into thousands of men and women through the years to preach the Good News to Tanzania and beyond. The “Unstoppable Church of the first Century continues today in Tanzania!” .…Sally

“Sixty-five years ago, I watched a handful of men receive their certificate to preach the Gospel. Since that day, students have graduated and have evangelized and planted churches. Some have continued their education and are now teaching in Tanzania Assemblies of God Bible colleges. What God begins, He continues and nothing can stop it!” ….Sally

“We thought of you as Gayle and I handed each child his backpack. If only you could have seen the eyes of the children sparkle as they took their backpacks from our hands. The orphanage has grown from taking forty backpacks five years ago to one-hundred fifty-nine this year. Your generous giving has made this project possible each year. Thank you!” ….Sally

“Yuster Njau’s heart is consumed with compassion for the Special Needs children of Arusha. My heart saw what God has done with faith as small as a mustard seed. Joel and I were moved to ask God how we could help. We agreed that African Moons should commit to help pay for her rented house for these children, it’s just $140.00 a month. When we told Yuster and her husband, Simon, they were grateful beyond words. It takes $50.00 a month to provide care for one child.”….Sally

Sally did great on the trip. It had been four years since she was in Arusha. Everyone was thrilled to see her. Trey Geter was so grateful to be a part of all the celebrations plus speaking in the same church as his dad, Calvary Temple. Gayle shared from her heart what it meant to her to be there once again. Then Sally shared and when she finished, Pastor Philip said, “What else needs to be said?” If you can see the video on FaceBook, you will see why.

As we reflect on the trip we truly are amazed at all that God has done. You helped make this all happen. The dorm furniture is ordered! The desks will be ready this week and the beds and wardrobes are in production. I expect to be in Arusha sometime at the end of January to receive the furniture and oversee its assembly. God is so good! What a miracle we are all privileged to share.
Sally and I pray that God blesses you and your loved ones this Thanksgiving season. We are all so blessed to be in the Family of God. We love you and give thanks to God for you.

Tanzania for Jesus!
Joel & Sally