Amid the current world storms, we look to our God for peace, comfort and wisdom. We pray for the PEACE of Israel and believe in God for miracles.
On Tuesday, October 31st, we leave for Arusha! Delta flight #851 will be loaded with about twelve 50 pound suitcases full of “Christmas” for Shalom kids and the Government Primary. Schools – Special Needs Children.

The 11th African Moons Golf Tournament was a grand success. The funds raised jump-started our 6th “Christmas in a Backpack” effort that has grown to one-hundred sixty-nine Shalom Orphanage kids.

IT IS FINISHED! November 4, 2023 has been designated as a day of dedication and celebration for the completion of the Paul Bruton Dormitory. Barnabas Mtokombali, Bishop of the Tanzanian Assemblies of God, said this must be named in memory of the man who had the vision to plant this college here in Arusha. We will be there for that great day!
In addition, two hundred and sixteen students will each have a bed, wardrobe, desk and chair because of generous donors like you! Joel is making the final arrangements to order the furniture.

Please agree that God’s presence fills the rooms and halls of this new dormitory. May each student be dedicated to God’s call and purpose for their lives. May the Blood-Stained Banner of the Cross reach out over Tanzania and beyond to win men, women and children to Jesus, God’s Son.
The miracles that have surrounded us during this project are just that – MIRACLES! It is truly amazing to see what God has done. For each of us, the call to prayer is never more urgent than now. God is Sovereign and we can trust in Him.
Tanzania for Jesus!
Joel & Sally