The completion of the Paul Bruton Dormitory at the Northern Bible College will be a reality in a few weeks.
Joel leaves August 21st to be there for the final two weeks of the finishings. A final building walk-through is scheduled for the end of the month. The two-hundred-sixteen student dorm will be finished! HUGE VICTORY!!!
The rooms will be ready, but empty. What to do?
In prayer, I was reminded of the promise given to us at the beginning of African Moons. It was around 4 am in the morning when the Holy Spirit spoke this promise to us.
“Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don’t be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; he will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly.” I Chronicles 28:20 TLB
The final phase to finish this project correctly includes furnishings. Each student will have a bed, mattress, bedding, wardrobe and desk for a $200.00 gift.
Joel negotiated a reasonable price to accommodate the students with good quality furnishings.
$200 provides furnishings for one student
$400 provides furnishings for two students
$800 provides the furnishings for four students

Three stories, 72 students per floor, 216 students total; $200 per student; $43,200 will provide the students with the necessary furnishings.
For each student, your last name or the name of a loved one will be inscribed on a brass plate and placed on the door of a room. Just let us know and please include your phone number so we can reach you with any questions.

You have diligently prayed, believed and given. What you see here will be filled with students following the call of God on their lives. Only in eternity will you see the fruit of your investment! People have asked how has this been done? Faith, faith in Almighty God and people like you.
Thank you for your trust in God’s calling on our lives. This is truly a result of prayers, giving and believing in the Great Commission!
Tanzania for Jesus!
Joel & Sally